The Quebec Business Immigration program seeks applicants with business, management, or self-employed experience. The applicants must intend to settle in Quebec. There are three different types of business immigration programs. Each program has different prerequisites. The Quebec Investor Program is more popular than the Federal Investor Program due to its faster processing timeline.
You need the following in order to apply as an investor:
- Net worth of at least $2,000,000 (CAD)*
- Management experience for at least two years in a lawful business (agricultural, industrial, commercial), or in a legal professional business where the staff, excluding the investor, occupies at least the equivalent of two full-time jobs, or for an international agency or a in a government or international organization in the last 5 years
- Undertaking to invest an investment of $ 1,200,000 (CAD) for five years
* “Net worth” - the fair market value of all of the assets (cash, bonds, stocks, personal property, and business) of you and your spouse/common-law partner minus the fair market value of all of your liabilities.
Additional information about Investor category:
- There are no conditions attached to the Investor program besides an investment of $800,000 (CAD) for five years. In other words, investors receive an unconditional visa and do not need to start and maintain businesses in Quebec unlike the Entrepreneur program.
- Investors are allowed to finance the investment of $1,200,000(CAD) with a minimum deposit of 375,000 (CAD) through a financial institution in Canada.
- The $1,200,000 (CAD) investment needs to be made before the visa is issued to them.
The Quebec government will repay the investment of $1,200,000 (CAD) after five years without interest. - The Quebec government will refund $1,200,000 (CAD) if your application is refused.
You need the following in order to apply as an entrepreneur:
- Net assets of at least $300,000 (CAD)*
- Management experience for at least two years in a lawful and profitable business (agricultural, industrial, or commercial)
* “Net assets” - the fair market value of all of the assets (cash, bonds, stocks, personal property, and business) of you and your spouse/common-law partner minus the fair market value of all of your liabilities.
After coming to Quebec:
The entrepreneur must meet the conditions by managing a business in Quebec for a period of at least one year within the period of three years after the day on which the entrepreneur becomes a permanent resident.
The entrepreneur must:
- provide active and ongoing/continuous management (day-to-day operation) of a business
- control more than 33.3% of the capital of a business
- create at least one full-time job (or equivalent in case of hiring part-time employees) for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, other than the entrepreneur and their family members
You need the following in order to apply as a self-employed worker:
- Net worth of at least $100,000 (CAD)*
- Self-employed work experience for at least two years in the occupation you plan to pursue in Quebec
- Create your own job
* “Net worth” - the fair market value of all of the assets (cash, bonds, stocks, personal property, and business) of you and your spouse/common-law partner minus the fair market value of all of your liabilities.